Faith No More First Rumored Reunion Show Revealed


Speculation of a rumored Faith No More reunion show is running rampant as the band posted this graphic of a mountain range with the caption “pssst.” Fans on the Faith No More subreddit quickly pointed out that this was actually the mountain range of the beautiful Mount Cook in New Zealand, leading to speculation about an Australian tour date, but there have been hints of a gig in Chile, a favorite spot of singer Mike Patton. Allidesac responded, “Their Chilean post on Insta last month, ‘stay strong and hope to see you in the near future.’ I thought that was a hint.” A countdown clock on the band’s website confirms the announcement will be on Tuesday.

Faith No More’s singer makes ‘sick’ announcement.

Fans of the group reacted to the news on the official Faith No More Facebook page. David stated: “Faith no more wasn’t a part of a movement in music era but they still managed to become influential and their own thing inspiring other bands to pursue similar but different styles, that and Mr. bungle also. Both bands are legends of their time and the weird part they weren’t trying to become epic they just wanted to make their music and gave no ***** what others thought.” This Faith No More singer made a tragic announcement back in September.

Tiffany put: “Get the Motherf***** on the phone because we’ve got separation anxiety. We need evidence of a new album or we’ll sue for malpractice. Looks like you’re on the edge of the world while we’re falling to pieces. We care a lot, so re-introduce yourselves cuz we’ve been cuckoo for new caca.”

Ghost revealed a bold truth about Faith No More this past Summer. Then Jordan wrote: Please be a new album and a tour (that stops in Minneapolis). You guys are one of the most influential bands for me and I’ve never had the pleasure of seeing you live.