Howard Stern Makes Embarrassing Creed Revelation


Howard Stern recently discussed Creed and Scott Stapp on his show, acting somewhat embarrassed to be a fan of the rock legends. recapped: After the break they played Creed’s ”Higher” as they were coming back. Howard asked if he’s a douche for liking them. Robin said not at all. Howard said some people put them down. He said he enjoys their music very much. He said that guy cracked up or something. Fred said he did have some problems.

Howard said he has a big announcement to make. He said this is for SiriusXM. He said this is fantastic. He said Lady Gaga will perform a concert to celebrate SiriusXM and Pandora coming together. Howard said they’re going to have it at The Apollo. He said this is a small venue and it’s for subscribers and Pandora listeners. Fred played some Lady Gaga music.

Howard said this is on a Monday night so they may not be able to go. Howard said it’s impossible to get a hold of her because she’s on fire. Howard said they’re going to give away tickets and air the concert live on Howard 101. He said they’re going to have a contest to get tickets.

Howard said they’re on fucking fire. He said she’s doing a residency in Las Vegas so they had to work something out with that. He said it’s a big deal that the combination of SiriusXM and Pandora has over 100 million listeners. He said he’s proud that he’s been there for this history. Robin said they were in on it on the ground floor. Howard said he knows the terrestrial radio company wasn’t happy but he had to get over there.

Howard said Hits 1 is the biggest top 40 station in the world now. He said between this and Pandora they have ridiculous amounts of listeners. He said the whole world is benefiting from this.

Howard said Fred is going nuts playing the Lady Gaga songs. Howard took a call from Sour Shoes who was doing his Lady Baba impression. He was doing his Gary impression to the tune of Lady Gaga songs.

Howard said they had Lady Gaga in studio singing and it was really good. He said this is as close as you can come to seeing that. Howard said he may sing Shallow with her over there. He said it’s either him of Jim Meyer. He said maybe Jim and Scott Greenstein will sing it with her.