Tool Tease Nine Inch Nails Sound In New Studio Clip


Tool have teased synth experimentation in a new studio clip, with many fans commenting that we may see some shades of Nine Inch Nails on the new album.

Adam Jones wrote on Instagram, “❤️?? playing w new #VirusTI ~ Thank you #Access ?? #Tool #synth.”

Maynard James Keenan discussed moving on from the past in a new Uproxx interview about A Perfect Circle, but the comments relate to Tool as well.

“I think it’s just time and experience. We’re not going to be able to recreate that and we would be sad fuckers if we did. Let 15 years ago be 15 years ago. I mean, there’s a lot of bands that come along now, they’ll latch on to a particular song from a band 30 years ago and create their entire band’s identity around that sound and that song. And if it’s accurate and compelling, great. But that’s somebody else being inspired by something that came before. For a band that has received their AARP card, and you’re trying to relive your past that’s just fucking pathetic. Don’t do that.”

He was also asked if he keeps journals and poems for song ideas.

“I keep photos, I keep images. I take photos, I don’t draw pictures much. I keep videos, I watch a lot of great films and great television for the stories. I also watch a lot of shit, but within the shit there’s always a fucking peanut, so you gotta look at it. Somebody sat down and wrote that story. What’s the core of the story? Even if it’s a shit awful show, there’s still some kind of writing class 101 structure to what they did and why are you watching this? What’s in it that would be the reason? And every now and then I’ll wade through six episodes of absolute crap and there’s one line. You go, ‘That’s the line right there.’ That’s the core of that story, the story that they’re trying to tell. They accidentally said the line that summed it up. So that process that’s like an exercise for me to find the gem, find the peanut in the shit.”

~ ❤️?? playing w new #VirusTI ~ Thank you #Access ?? #Tool #synth

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