Chester Bennington’s Ex-Wife Wants Huge Amount Of Money From Estate


TMZ reports that late Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington’s ex-wife has some unfinished business with him even though he died earlier this year, so she’s filed a claim with his estate for money.

Samantha Olit, who was married to the Linkin Park singer from 1996 – 2005, says she wants the money he allegedly owed for child support from 2012 to 2017, which she estimates at more than $502,500 plus interest.

She also wants a share in Chester’s non-touring merchandising income and other royalty rights to his music.

Chester died by suicide in July.

Late Linkin Park and Stone Temple Pilots singer Chester Bennington’s widow Talinda has continued to go after TMZ’s Harvey Levin in a recent tweet to Rose McGowan.

“HarveyLevin has gratuitously displayed,dramatized,maliciously &carelessly reported unnecessary,harmful,& redacted details about my husband- for no other reason than the almighty dollar. I have NO DOUBT that he is doing the same, although in different ways, to @rosemcgowan &others.”

Talinda has also continued to reach out to depressed fans, which you can also see below.

Actress Rose McGowan, who has accused Harvey Weinstein of rape, tweeted the following: “Help! I’m being harassed by @HarveyLevinTMZ He is hanging something over my head. He is on HW’s payroll. -Levin, you motherfucker, I’m trying to stop an international rapist. WTF have you done with your scumbag life? Back the fuck up. #ROSEARMY.”

Late Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington’s widow Talinda responded, “He’s not going to stop hurting others unless we speak up & stand together against him and his filthy media outlet.”

Talinda has heavily criticized TMZ since they published news of a previous suicide attempt by Chester and details from his autopsy report. She has sought to create ‘Chester’s Law’ to make it illegal in California to share medical records of the deceased.