Ex-Pearl Jam Drummers Remember Chris Cornell’s ‘Very Gentle Soul’


Former Pearl Jam drummer/Soundgarden touring drummer Matt Chamberlain wrote a tribute to late Soundgarden frontman Chris Cornell on Facebook.

“I’m really going to miss Chris Cornell …He was a very gentle soul and a genius musician.. I had the hairs on the back of my neck stand up nightly from his otherworldly singing back in 2014 when i toured with Soundgarden.

I also played drums on his last solo record, we had such a great time cracking jokes and making music… I feel very lucky to have played music with him.. R.I.P. and condolences to his beautiful family…”

Former Pearl Jam drummer Dave Abbruzzese responded, “Much love to you, Matt.”

Former Mad Season/Screaming Trees drummer Barrett Martin wrote on Facebook, “May swift wings carry you through, thy graceful, beautiful man.”

Tad Doyle tweeted, “We send our most heart felt and sincere love and comfort to our brothers and family and fans of Soundgarden.”