Megadeth First New Bass Recording Photo Revealed


Dave Mustaine has revealed the first photo of the bassist that re-recorded David Ellefson’s bass on the new Megadeth album.

Mustaine made the revelation in a Cameo fan video. Mustaine said, “I’m walking around the studio right now. That’s [engineer] Chris Rakestraw sitting back there on the consol. And you’ve got our mystery bass player hiding behind the chair down there on the floor, so you can’t see him. But we will be saying who that is soon. And you actually saw him before anybody else — even though you can’t really see him.”

Mustaine announced last month, “I just wanna thank you for all the kinds words and support as we get ready for this next tour and continue to hunt for a new bass player,” the MEGADETH leader said. “We are making progress. The record’s being completed, and we’re gonna have someone coming in in a couple of weeks to replace the bass tracks that we had. Which should be relatively quick because the person we’re talking to is a stellar bass player. And hopefully this will be an ongoing thing after the recording. Or we will find someone prior to the recording that will be our permanent guy going forward.”

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