New Smashing Pumpkins Album Called ‘Super Overproduced’ In Early Review


A Smashing Pumpkins fan who attended a listening party for the band’s new album Shiny and Oh So Bright Vol. 1/LP: No Past. No Future. No Sun. has posted thoughts:

“Went to NYC listening party last night… Ummm, what can I say…

Rick Rubin’s imprint is all over this album

Super over-produced, more than any other SP album.

With Sympathy is a solid track along with Silvery.

Alienation is the weakest track by a long way.

Was a little disappointed that Jimmy is not showcased at all except on Solara.

Guitars aren’t a focal point, this album is all about the songwriting and instrumentation beyond what the band could play live.

Billy’s vocals are right out front but we all knew that that would be the case with Rubin.

It’s ambitious, well done Billy.”

They also wrote, “If I had to review it for you it would be this: the album’s called Shiny and oh so bright. This album is exactly that, very Shiny in production and bright in disposition. The emotional dynamic isn’t a rollercoaster like MCIS or SD. If you could bottle the feel of the recent live show into an album, this is it.”

The new Smashing Pumpkins album reunites Billy Corgan, James Iha, and Jimmy Chamberlin for the first time since 2000’s MACHINA albums.