Tool Guitarist Reveals Stunning New Cover Art


Tool guitarist Adam Jones has revealed the cover art he created for the new O.R.k. album RAMAGEHEAD.

System of a Down frontman Serj Tankian sings on “Black Booms” on O.R.K.’s new album Ramagehead, which had its artwork done by Tool guitarist Adam Jones. The band features Lorenzo Esposito Fornasari a.k.a Lef (lead vocals), King Crimson’s Pat Mastelotto (drums), Porcupine Tree’s Colin Edwin (bass), Marta Sui Tubi’s’s Carmelo Pipitone (guitar).

The first single on the album is “Kneel To Nothing.” Lef said about the song, “We’re not preaching. We’d rather leave the lyrics open to different interpretations, but I guess this is one possible interpretation of the ‘Kneel To Nothing’ lyrics.”

“As musicians, we collaborate across the miles thanks to the Internet, so it goes without saying we aren’t against technology in general, but at the same time, it’s unarguably clear that the same technology has successfully made its way inside our bodies (and lives) in a potentially dangerous way in the last 20 years. How we react to impulses, live our relationships, and feel in general has become deeply influenced by new tech.

We all seem to be trying to outdo each other. We can’t get enough of this constant competition through social media, and it’s making us more insular in real life. We also place an innate trust in the strength of our senses, but in a evolutionary perspective, we could end up diminishing of all our senses due to our evolving lifestyle. We’re becoming too lazy to read an article — let alone a book — too bored to listen to a song that is longer than three minutes, and we relentlessly skip from one impulse to another without really feeling anything. In a way, we’re therefore ‘slaves.’

“It’s not as spooky as the visionary movie directors from the past have pictured it, but it’s happening in a subtler, yet still potentially hazardous way. We have somehow we’ve become both devoted and addicted to our smart phones”

Ramagehead track listing:

01. Kneel to Nothing
02. Signals Erased
03. Beyond Sight
04. Black Blooms (feat. Serj Tankian)
05. Time Corroded
06. Down the Road
07. Some Other Rainbow Part 1
08. Strangled Words
09. Some Other Rainbow