Chris Cornell On If Temple of the Dog Will Break Up Following Reunion Tour


Chris Cornell seemed hopeful for Temple of the Dog’s reunion following the conclusion of their fall 2016 reunion tour in a new Guardian interview.

“The hard work, of getting into a room and learning to deliver these songs live, we’ve already done,” said Cornell. “That makes the idea of adding to that in the future a lot more possible.”

He later added, “The evolved, live versions of the songs hadn’t existed until now,” said Cornell. “I’m finding aspects to the song I never knew existed. That’s the miracle of music. No one can reinterpret a Picasso but a song can be remixed and covered and interpreted in an infinite number of ways. It’s a living thing.”

Cornell also discussed Andrew Wood’s death, and his difficulty with dealing with loss.

“I’ve always had really difficult time with loss,” he said. “I didn’t deal well with Andy’s death. After he died, numerous times I’d be driving and I would look out the window and I thought I saw him. It would take me five minutes to update to the moment and realize, ‘no, he’s actually dead.’ This tour, in a sense, is the dealing. It’s facing the reality.”