Eddie Vedder Makes Death Announcement At Show


Pearl Jam frontman Eddie Vedder announced at a show opening for The Who in London at Wembley Stadium that he was dedicating “Just Breathe” to guitar tech Alan Rogan, Pete Townshend’s guitar tech who died. An AC/DC member has also paid tribute to Rogan.

JimNastics said on the Ten Club board:

“Ed sounding outstanding… honestly that was the best I’ve heard him for a long time, and he seemed to be having a blast. My wife and I loved the set, Crazy Little Thing Called Love was a great surprise as my wife is a big Queen fan. But I have to add to the disgruntled voices that a 1 hour set was a piss take, do not advertise it as a “full set” if that;s what’s going to happen. Relieved we got our tickets in the 2 for 1 Ticketmaster offer, but there were people there who had paid nigh on £400 a pair just to se Ed.”

SB51117 posted:

“100% agree with all that.

At the end of Just Breathe, Ed said that something like, even with so many faces in the crowd he could clearly the see the face of the woman who the song was written about. He then added that the song was also dedicated to Al, a reference to Alan Rogan, Pete Townsend’s long time guitar tech who died a couple of days before the show.

Aside from a couple of short interludes on what The Who meant to a young Ed, etc. it seemed the 60 minute support set limit kept him much more focused on playing songs than long monologues.”

1. Red Limo improv-Alive (no Ed)
2. Wishlist
3. I Am Mine
4. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
5. Corduroy with Red Limo
6. I’m The Answer-(Simon Townshend) with Simon Townshend
7. Just Breathe with Red Limo
8. Better Man/Save It For Later-(Charley, Cox, Morton, Steele, Wakeling)/Real Good Looking Boy-(Townshend) {Just two lines} with Red Limo
9. Society-(Hannan) with Glen Hansard and Red Limo
10. Black with Glen Hansard and Red Limo
11. Crazy Little Thing Called Love-(Mercury) with Glen Hansard and Red Limo
12. Porch
13. Hard Sun-(Peterson) with Glen Hansard & Red Limo

The Punk And The Godfather – Eddie w/The Who