Green Day Reveal ‘Revolution Radio’ Song Titles, Talk World Tour Plans


Green Day reveal plans for world tour, 3 new song titles from the upcoming Revolution Radio, a soon-to-be release for a Tim Armstrong-directed music video, and that they are involved in a new documentary  about East Bay punk.

Green Day went online live Tuesday afternoon to take over iHeartRadio’s Twitter page, answering some of their fan’s questions at #iheartgreenday. The band were bombarded by hundreds of questions, but they did take some time to reveal a couple of interesting things.

They answered in the affirmative when asked whether there will be a UK tour, as well mentioning it will be part of a Green Day World Tour sometime soon.


iHeartRadio ‏‪@iHeartRadio 8m

8 minutes ago

iHeartRadio Retweeted St.Jimmy

Yes we are headed to the UK and can’t wait for the GD World Tour ‪#iheartgreenday

iHeartRadio added,


St.Jimmy ‪@CharlieHJ97

‪@iHeartRadio ‪#iheartgreenday can we expect to see you over in the UK anytime soon?


Green Day also mentioned their involvement in a new documentary #TurnItAroundTheStoryOfEastBayPunk. The band didn’t follow up with any further details on it.


iHeartRadio ‏‪@iHeartRadio 1m

1 minute ago

iHeartRadio Retweeted Lisa Stief

Yes, great question. Did you know we are putting out a doc called ‪#TurnItAroundTheStoryOfEastBayPunk ‪#iheartgreenday

iHeartRadio added,

Lisa Stief ‪@Riotgrrl_GD

‪#iheartgreenday Can we expect to see you on tour in the US in 2016? ‪@heart radio

‪#TurnItAroundTheStoryOfEastBayPunk‪ .


Some of the questions they answered had to do with their upcoming release, Revolution Radio. When asked if there are any love songs on the new album, they answered that two of the songs were; “Youngblood” and “Ordinary World”. When pressed about a favorite song, Green Day responded “’Still Breathing’ destroys!”



iHeartRadio ‏‪@iHeartRadio 21m

21 minutes ago

‪@TessTheGreatt‪ Revolution Radio is the best of old GD and Later. A fresh take on a concept, songs that are three minute barn burners.


iHeartRadio ‏‪@iHeartRadio 15m

15 minutes ago

‪@Sam_Steffen98‪ MD: the root of GD has always been Billie, me, and Tre getting a room & jamming. This record is exactly that #iHeartGreenDay


iHeartRadio ‏‪@iHeartRadio 8s

8 seconds ago

iHeartRadio Retweeted Dríade.

Yes. One titled Youngblood and one titled Ordinary World ‪#iHeartGreenDay

iHeartRadio added,

Dríade. ‪@_kerplunko

Is there a love song on the new album? ‪#iHeartGreenday ‪#pleaseanswerme ‪@iHeartRadio ‪@GreenDay


iHeartRadio ‏‪@iHeartRadio 12s

12 seconds ago

iHeartRadio Retweeted Green Day Poland

Holy Fuckin Shit ‪#iHeartGreenDay

iHeartRadio added,

Green Day Poland ‪@GreenDayPoland

three words describing a new album… ‪#iHeartGreenDay 

iHeartRadio ‏‪@iHeartRadio 17m

17 minutes ago

iHeartRadio Retweeted JΔIMISTICO


The song Still Breathing destroys! ‪#iHeartGreenDay ‪#RevolutionRadio

iHeartRadio added,


‪@iHeartRadio whats your favorite song from Revolution Radio? ‪#IHeartGreenDay


Green Day also mentioned that the leadoff single “Bang Bang” will have a music video directed by Tim Armstrong.

 iHeartRadio ‏‪@iHeartRadio 30m

30 minutes ago

iHeartRadio Retweeted Marko Kondic

Yes and it is being directed by Tim Armstrong ‪#iHeartGreenDay

iHeartRadio added,

Marko Kondic ‪@CatKondic

‪@iHeartRadio ‪#iHeartGreenDay Can we expect a music video for BANG BANG?


Green Day’s Revolution Radio will be released October 7th.