Jerry Cantrell New Music Video Photos Leak


Alice In Chains frontman Jerry Cantrell has completed filming the music video for the first single off his new solo album, the followup to 2002’s Degradation Trip.

ChelleBelle2020 posted on Instagram, “On Sunday (June 27), @jerrycantrell and @duffmckagan were at FD Photo Studio on Olympic Boulevard in LA shooting a video for a single from Jerry’s upcoming solo album. Cantrell’s brother has said on social media that the album is due in October, though no label has been announced and no formal release date has been set.

There’s also no word on any plans for a new @aliceinchains album. The band’s last release was 2018’s “Rainier Fog.” Cantrell’s first two solo albums, “Boggy Depot” (1998) and “Degradation Trip” (2002), were released while Alice In Chains was inactive or disbanded. (Photos and studio location details courtesy of a woman who appears to be starring in the video.)”

Jerry Cantrell wrote, “Wrapped shooting the video for the first single from my new record tonight. 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻great photo/art by my friend @jessedraxler.”

Alice In Chains last released Rainier Fog in 2018, and they have not played live on tour since their summer 2019 tour with Korn.