John Rich Criticizes Dave Grohl On Fox News


Fox News host Pete Hegseth criticized Dave Grohl and Foo Fighters for playing the ‘Georgia Comes Alive’ to get out the vote on Georgia for the runoff election, saying the event is for partisan Democrats, and not nonpartisan like some claim. Country star John Rich also said he disagreed with Dave Grohl’s liberal political views. Alternative Nation transcribed his comments.

Rich said, “I will not vote for anyone who tries to construct a government who limits what I’m capable of doing, or what my kids are capable of doing. I’m going to have to be against Dave on this one, but I love his music.”

Hegseth agreed, “I do too, it’s right there on playlist next to Big and Rich. It’s true, they make fantastic music.”

Bren10_ responded on the Foo Fighters Reddit, “It’s amazing how much the people of America invest in celebrities’ opinions.

Instead of bringing on political scientists to discuss the actual state of the country and its political affairs it’s:

‘Hey guys today we’ve got the country music star here to talk about how the rock music star makes him feel.'”

TelephoneShoes wrote, “Wow… This John Rich guy must be a really well respected and talented big famous musician to think that Grohl would waste a used piece of toilet paper on him or his worthless opinions.

Curiously, John seems to think it’s ok to go after people HE disagrees with; but no body better do it to him or Heir Trump…”