Robert Plant Confirms Big Name Led Zeppelin Replacement


Led Zeppelin frontman Robert Plant discussed Phil Collins being the first major drummer he worked with after John Bonham’s death. Collins drummed for Led Zeppelin at Live Aid in 1985. Robert Plant revealed the ‘worst’ drug he got high off of recently.

“Phil was at such a huge peak and very prolific. I sat in a room with Atlantic Records and Peter Grant, talking about the solo thing. I said: “Look, there’s no other way to do this, really. I’ve got to keep going, because I’m thirty-two years old and I haven’t actually felt anything else other than this juggernaut success thing. I need to find out what the other side of it is like.”

Consequently, Phil Carson, of Atlantic, was dealing with Phil Collins’s solo stuff, post-Genesis. Phil was such a huge fan of John [Bonham] that he sent me a message: ‘I’d really like to help you, because this must be one of the toughest things you’ve ever had to do, musically.’

He was talking about me being without the guy I’d been playing with since I was sixteen, although we had a fiery relationship, myself and Bonzo. So Phil came in and just got on with it. We had four days for the first album and four for the next. So we were cutting backing tracks non-stop. And if he didn’t like something, he’d stop halfway through, stand up and tell people why it wasn’t quite right. I loved that, because I was still tiptoeing around, not knowing how to deal with other musicians.”

Robert Plant leaked a Led Zeppelin reunion for a big name last month. FabricofSpaceandTime posted on Reddit, “Why did the band choose to play particular songs live? I am wondering why they play the start of The Rover, and then change to Sick Again on many shows. Why did they never play the full Rover or play HotH?

Additionally, they usually played the same songs toward the start of their set (Sick Again, TSRTS, Rain Song, SIBLY, Trampled) but tend to play Whole Lotta Love toward the end?

Don’t get me wrong, I love it, but I was wondering if there is any logistical reason or if it was just their preference? Also, Happy Birthday Jimmy from Australia!”

Dynamic Bambino responded, “Idk I think Zeppelin did a pretty damn good job with their set-lists. You have to remember that some songs just had to be played. Rock And Roll, Whole Lotta Love, Stairway To Heaven and Dazed And Confused (up until ’75), Since I’ve Been Loving You etc. However when I look back on the bands set-lists from 1969-1977, i’m pretty satisfied and glad they went the route they went with. The band fit in material that lasted them almost 3 and a half hours some nights. Taking a look at the songs performed on nights such as 6/19/72, 3/21/75, 6/21/77-6/27/77, I don’t find myself thinking for a second ‘wow I wish they played ____'”

Louder Sound.