Steven Adler Reveals Proposed Guns N’ Roses Appetite For Destruction 30th Anniversary Tour


Original Guns N’ Roses drummer Steven Adler discussed his hopes for a reunion of the band’s entire original lineup, including himself and Izzy Stradlin, in a new interview with Mitch Lafon.

“What I want it to be is the five of us, and what Axl [Rose] wants it to be is what he wants it to be, and I respect him for it. I’m just glad I got to be part of the good part, when it was fun and exciting. It was magical when we were together, even back then our worst show was great.”

“I have closure to where if they want to do it the right way, the five of us, and like I said, I’ll share the stage with Frank [Ferrer], I don’t care, as long as I’m there doing my songs, I don’t care. But if they want to do it the five of us, I’m there, I love those guys. I’m proud of what the five of us did, and since the five of us are still alive, I think the five of us should play for our fuckin’ fans. Give them what they want. I live a beautiful comfortable life because all five of us love our fuckin’ music.”

He also responded to Lafon’s idea of GNR playing the Super Bowl, “The Super Bowl would rule dude. Dude, if the five of us got back together, it would be the biggest reunion tour in the history of rock. Unless John Bonham came back to life, or Jimi Hendrix, or Jim Morrison, the five of us are alive, people would be so happy, it would be an event. That’s what it could be, but that’s not what it is.”

Adler also revealed the plan he proposed for the 30th anniversary of Appetite for Destruction.

“I asked Slash if he would talk to Axl about that. Like in July it’s 30 years since Appetite came out. I was thinking why don’t we just do like 4 or 5 shows at the Hollywood Bowl, play Appetite from beginning to end, throw in ‘Civil War’ and something like ‘Patience.’ Record it, videotape it, that’s it, if that’s all you want to do. If Axl is happy after that, we could do more. But I thought that would be really cool, but that’s my idea. If it was up to me, it would be a different story.”

Adler had nothing but good things to say about Axl Rose as a performer.

“Axl fuckin rules, are you kidding me? He’s a fuckin’ rock god. His lyrics, how many people can put their feelings into words, and it’s so profound? Robert Plant, Steven Tyler back in the day, but Axl Rose is the main man of rock singing, and I love him.”