Today would have been late Linkin Park and Stone Temple Pilots singer Chester Bennington’s 42nd birthday. Bennington died by suicide on July 20, 2017, and since then his widow Talinda Bennington has raised awareness for mental health issues and suicide prevention. Below are five great resources you can share with friends, contact yourself if you are struggling, or contribute to you if you would like to help a great cause.
Talinda Bennington wrote on the 320 Changes Direction website, “The idea for 320 was born out of my personal experience and the recognition that we can do better to address the needs of those who are suffering with mental health concerns and addiction. For 13 years I watched my husband Chester struggle with depression and substance use. I often felt scared and alone. I was uneducated about the challenges he faced and I wanted information – but finding answers to my questions and available help for our family was very difficult.
After my husband lost his battle with depression and addiction, I knew I had to make a change to the mental health landscape. I began speaking to as many mental health groups as I could find. Whitney Showler and Music For Relief have been very supportive and helpful on this journey.
So here is what I learned. We don’t need to create more programs – there are good ones out there. But we do need to do two things. We need to streamline access to the help that IS available. And we need to change the culture of mental health so that those in need – and their family members – are able to speak openly about their struggles so that they can seek the care they deserve.
I am proud to join Give an Hour, the lead organization for the Campaign to Change Direction, and the Campaign’s 500+ organizations working to drive culture change. And together with Give an Hour and other partners, we will build a new approach to ensure that those in need can easily find help – when they need it.”
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline offers a phone number you can call at 1-800-273-8255 and a live chat. Their website states, “We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.”
The website also states, “Suicide is not inevitable for anyone. By starting the conversation, providing support, and directing help to those who need it, we can prevent suicides and save lives.”
“Evidence shows that providing support services, talking about suicide, reducing access to means of self-harm, and following up with loved ones are just some of the actions we can all take to help others.”
“By offering immediate counseling to everyone that may need it, local crisis centers provide invaluable support at critical times and connect individuals to local services.”
American Foundation For Suicide Prevention
According to their website: “AFSP raises awareness, funds scientific research and provides resources and aid to those affected by suicide.”
“Finding better ways to prevent suicide: We fund research to improve interventions, train clinicians in suicide prevention, and advocate for policy that will save lives.”
“Creating a culture that’s smart about mental health: Too many people at risk for suicide do not seek help. We need to find better ways to reach those who suffer, and encourage schools, workplaces, and communities to make mental health a priority.”
“Bringing hope to those affected by suicide: Whether you’ve lost someone or are struggling with suicidal thinking—you are not alone. We bring people who have been affected by suicide out of the darkness, and give them opportunities to help others.”
National Alliance on Mental Illness
The National Alliance on Mental Illness’ website states, “NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.
What started as a small group of families gathered around a kitchen table in 1979 has blossomed into the nation’s leading voice on mental health. Today, we are an association of hundreds of local affiliates, state organizations and volunteers who work in your community to raise awareness and provide support and education that was not previously available to those in need.
What We Do: NAMI relies on gifts and contributions to support our important work:
We educate. Offered in thousands of communities across the United States through NAMI State Organizations and NAMI Affiliates, our education programs ensure hundreds of thousands of families, individuals and educators get the support and information they need.
We advocate. NAMI shapes national public policy for people with mental illness and their families and provides volunteer leaders with the tools, resources and skills necessary to save mental health in all states.
We listen. Our toll-free NAMI HelpLine allows us to respond personally to hundreds of thousands of requests each year, providing free referral, information and support—a much-needed lifeline for many.
We lead. Public awareness events and activities, including Mental Illness Awareness Week and NAMIWalks, successfully fight stigma and encourage understanding. NAMI works with reporters on a daily basis to make sure our country understands how important mental health is.”
You can call NAMI’s HelpLine at 800-950-NAMI.
SAVE: Suicide Awareness Voices of Education
Last year we reported on Linkin Park fansite LPLive launching a campaign for Suicide Awareness Voices of Education. Below are details from SAVE’s website:
SAVE focuses its efforts and resources on six main program areas: Public Awareness, Education, Training and Consulting, Grief Support, Products & Resources, and Research and Innovation. Click the boxes to learn more about our programs and services.
Through our signature events and programs, SAVE is raising awareness of suicide across the nation in communities just like yours.
SAVE provides in depth discussion and educational programming for youth, community organizations and the general public.
SAVE equips teachers, law enforcement, doctors, and other stakeholders with the tools they need to prevent suicide.
Through our resources and support services, SAVE helps families and individuals across the nation cope with suicide loss.
Learn more about depression, mental illness, and how to get help through SAVE’s library of free resources or our online store!
Leading the field of suicide prevention and lending expertise in literature review and development of strategies for social media platforms.