Gavin Rossdale Reveals How Chris Cornell & Chester Bennington’s Deaths Are ‘Connected’


Bush frontman Gavin Rossdale discussed performing “Leave Out All the Rest” with Linkin Park at their Chester Bennington memorial concert in a new Loudwire interview.

“It was incredible and incredibly sad. It was those two things mixed all in one. As a father I just feel so terrible for his children. His family, his wife and I think of Chris Cornell with this subject, it’s connected. The most powerful element is the effect on the children and the family, and the wife. So that I find really, really sad and then you come into this situation where you have this honor of playing, singing a song and trying to not mess it up.

It’s such a poignant song and it’s an ode to suicide. Singing that song and not messing it up, I was just so nervous and I just really really just couldn’t even function the previous week. I just had job to do and I wanted to honor his memory and honor the song and the band and that’s what I did. I tried to get the song right. I was a very small part of a massive night and my job was to find a way do it right and honor Chester. Weirdly, that goes hand in hand – I didn’t honor Chris on that specific night, but it was hard to not have Chris far from my mind.”