Guns N’ Roses Respond To Reunion Album Rumors


Guns N’ Roses manager Beta Labeis recently spoke to fans in South America. translated her comments.

She tells those people, that were camping, that she showed the band pictures of the barracks and everything. Then a guy tells her Axl should get a brazilian girlfriend and she replies “God hopes he finds a good one”

Then a guy asks about a new album and she says “I’m not gonna open my mouth, I’m not saying a word”, while laughing. Then the guy says “no, it has to come out, an album has to come out of this reunion” and she makes a “hmmmm I don’t know” face, kind of mocking him. Ok, now she’s actually laughing at the guy 😆 what the fuck.

Someone laughs at her ugly shoes. Someone asks about AC/DC and she says “it was great, excellent. A lovely band, Angus is a wonderful person, it was great for Axl.”

Then a guy says “they even made him rehearse!”, to which she replied “yeah, but it was impossible for him to get that job and not do that. It was a different style of singing.”

Then when talking about the performances she said “It’s what Axl says: on the first song they are all like “hmm I don’t know”, but by the third they’re totally into it.”

Then she said Axl broke his foot because during the first song at the Troubador concert the fans were pressing too much the stage and Axl was too much at the front. But she added that it wasn’t anyone’s fault. Then she said “the reunion was to show that ‘it has nothing to do'”, which is a portuguese expression that means like “it was all bullshit” or something like that. She said it’s been good for both Axl and Slash, and that Axl is fine.