Yesterday, Billy Corgan posted a proposed Smashing Pumpkins 2018 setlist (a list of songs in consideration to play, not the exact order) and asked fans to post ‘what you’d like to hear.’ Corgan is now saying in a new Instagram statement he wants fans to only post ‘one or two’ songs they want to hear, not 10 or 20, and that he wants them posted publicly, not direct messaged to him.
“Thanks to all who’ve submitted song suggestions. The idea was for you to pick one or two, not 10 or 20 (ha)! And to post them publicly, not light up my DM’s. But who reads anymore in the land of clickbait? Anywhoo, the Shiny and Bright Tour is already off to a smashing start, with tickets a ‘flyin and rehearsals starting very, very soon. So keep the suggestions coming. Not ’cause we need ’em, but because we aren’t perfect and it’s humbling to see songs that we don’t give enough credit to (inside the house) gain stature through the years. And in that, we’re willing to listen. But last I checked I’ve been making setlists for 33 or 34 years, so….I got this, yeah. Art courtesy of @entrekinlj.”
Corgan wrote on Friday, “The other day, I shared a set of ours from 1995. Which surprisingly engendered a lot of interest, and it got me thinking why not share our pool of PROPOSED songs (meaning the list we’ll use to build The Shiny and Oh So Bright set, so these aren’t in any particular order).
And since we are a bit aways from going into rehearsals, and I’m sure we’ve missed a favorite or two, tag me @williampcorgan @jamesihaofficial @chamberdrums and @jjjschroeder as well as @smashingpumpkins or #smashingpumpkins and most importantly #SP2018 with a screen cap of what you’d like to hear. But remember, the goal is to build an epic set! So choose wisely.”