The Black Crowes Reveal ‘Destructive’ Breakup Details


Chris Robinson discussed The Black Crowes’ brutal breakup before reuniting in a new Radio interview.

Chris said, “I would say [we have a] great relationship, because I understand — and I’m a man, so I can deal with it — I understand where I let my brother down over the years, where I really should have been his brother, but I wasn’t his brother — even though my actions at the time facilitated that. But by the way, that’s kind of sometimes… Rock and roll, especially those first 10 years, was mean. You have to be tough. Rock and roll bands are, like — you leave your dead by the side of the road and keep on going, you know what I mean? It wasn’t a sensitive place; it wasn’t a nurturing place.

I’m hardly pretending I’m not unimaginably sensitive and had my own negative or destructive ways of dealing with whatever.

I mean, the best part about it is you’re creative, you’re an artist, so, for better or for worse, you, [through] almost osmosis, you envelope all the things you are, because the people around you and the machine that you are running runs on a lot of emotional energy. To be able to write songs that have emotional connection, no matter what that is — through the music, the melody, the imagery, and then subsequently the recording and the performance and what that means and how that changes. It’s a lot.”

The Black Crowes reunited in 2019 and played a few shows, including The Howard Stern Show, but were forced to postpone their 2020 tour due to the pandemic.