Chester Bennington’s Family Reportedly Plan To Combat Copycat Suicides


Sources close to Chester Bennington’s family tell TMZ they’re planning on establishing a suicide awareness organization in hopes of preventing Chester’s fans, especially young people, from suffering the same fate as the Linkin Park lead singer.

TMZ are told the family worries in the wake of 2 huge rock stars recently committing suicide — Chester and Chris Cornell — fans of theirs might want to glorify or somehow honor their deaths by doing the same. They’re also worried trouble people might view this as an appropriate way out.

Chester’s family wants to raise suicide awareness and provide resources to those contemplating it. They feel Chester’s biggest downfall was being alone, especially in his final moments … so they want to stress the importance of surrounding yourself with loved ones.

They’re still in the early stages. No word on when the new organization will be up and running.

In the last month there have been several stories about Bennington’s fans dying by suicide.

In one story there was a direct copycat suicide reported by Cronica in Argentina.

The tragic episode occurred in the town of Mendoza Godoy Cruz. A child under 15 committed suicide at home and the body was found by his mother. Researchers discovered Linkin Park music on the boy’s cell phone near his body, and believe there was a “mimetic reaction.”

The child was found by his mother “in the room hung from a belt of a roof hook” according to Mendoza Online. Chester Bennington also hung himself with a belt, while his friend Chris Cornell hung himself in May with an exercise band.

Minutes after the discovery of the boy’s body, Coordinated Emergency Service staff confirmed his death and immediately reported it to the Fiscal Office 17 of the police station 40. The parents, according to court records, related the death of their son with the recent suicide of Chester Bennington.

“The suicide of the Linkin Park singer may have worked as a trigger for the decision, since on the boy’s phone they found lyrics of the songs of that group,” the investigation sources told Cronica.

Note from Alternative Nation: I’m usually very careful about vetting the causes we link to on here, but I discussed this with LPLive co-founder Mark Terrell, a prominent member of the Linkin Park fan community who I first got to know a bit a few years ago when Chester Bennington joined Stone Temple Pilots.  This is a great cause, and really honors Chester and also Chris Cornell who we tragically lost recently, so definitely check this piece out and think about donating at the link provided at the end of the article.

Linkin Park fans,

Several days later, we are still hurting in the wake of Chester’s death. We are all mourning, but healing as a community.

As a musician and as a humble, respectable person, Chester taught all of us kindness and to help those in need. Many of you have volunteered with Linkin Park’s Music for Relief organization over the years and have made lasting impacts across the globe because of it. Lots of you have donated money to MFR or participated in worldwide events to better the planet.

As fans, we have all witnessed Chester’s extraordinary outgoing personality, making time for those in need. We have endless stories of his generosity, from visiting sick children in the hospital to bringing fans on stage from the “Make a Wish” Foundation to spending extra time at the Meet & Greets for fans. In his personal life, Chester supported MusiCares, PETA, and the Grammy Foundation as well. Simply put, Chester was a shining star in the music community because of his hospitality and unselfishness. And not only that – his lyrics and incredible voice have helped millions cope with their personal lives… from depression to abuse and more.

At such a tragic time in the world, we cannot just sit and grieve. This is why we have decided to unite with our friends at 10 Years Association, who cover a band that Linkin Park introduced us to… 10 Years, to start a fundraising campaign for S.A.V.E. (Suicide Awareness Voices of Education). You can read more about SAVE here:
“SAVE was one of the nation’s first organizations dedicated to the prevention of suicide. Our work is based on the foundation and belief that suicide is preventable and everyone has a role to play in preventing suicide. Through raising public awareness, educating communities, and equipping every person with the right tools, we know we can SAVE lives.”

The mission statement for SAVE reads, “To prevent suicide through public awareness and education, reduce stigma and serve as a resource to those touched by suicide.” Together, with the Linkin Park community, 10 Years community, and worldwide music base touched by this tragedy, we hope to raise awareness of the tragedy that is suicide and to provide a helping hand to a nonprofit who is able to effectively use their resources on a larger scale to truly assist those in need.

In times like these, we need to be here for each other, lifting each other up… not just to listen to those in pain, but to offer assistance and a hand of support. We hope you will join our support for SAVE at the following link:


Additionally, both LPLive and 10 Years Association have Discord chats open for anyone who is suffering right now and wants someone to talk to. We have members from all over the world in our chat from Brazil to China and more. Please come to us if you are in a time of need.

LPLive Discord
10 Years Association Discord

Much love to everyone, and we are always one tweet, message, etc away for support.