Chris Cornell’s daughter Toni has posted a video of her Dad covering Johnny Cash’s “You Are My Sunshine” to celebrate his birthday.
“Happy birthday daddy. There are no words to describe how much I miss you and how much I wish you were here with me. Although I had you for a short time, your endless and unconditional love has impacted my life in so many ways, and will live on forever in my heart. You made me who I am, and I am perpetually grateful for everything you have given me. I love you so much. ❤️”
Chris Cornell’s mother-in-law Toni Karayiannis wrote, “I had to repost it ! Unreleased video by Tonicornell . And she has so many many , who will be coming out one by one . Singing together writing songs together…. Its so touching & yet bittersweet on daddy’s birthday. The love the fairytale ,his love to his baby Toni ,all is just a story between father and daughter and their connection forever. @tonicornell we love you! On his birthday you honor the man who was the Best dad ever and as he said ,w such pride in his voice , was Reborn w the news of “he had a baby girl coming “.
Love passion and chocolate strawberries. Made in Paris ! You gave him life “ you were the fire in his eyes the sun as a man “ he writes and sings to you . Words your legend father left for you! Wipe your tears my angel he will always be here next to you loving you .🙏❤️ #noonesingslineyouanymore #legendsneverdie.”