Eddie Vedder Holding Chris Cornell’s Baby Will Melt Your Heart


Soundgarden frontman Chris Cornell’s daughter Lily recently shared an adorable photo of herself as a baby being held by Pearl Jam frontman Eddie Vedder.

PearlJamOnline also shared the photo with a great story that Eddie Vedder told in September 2000.

“I never really spoke with anybody about Roskilde. It’s the most brutal experience we ever had. I’m still trying to come to grips with it. Right before we went on that night, we got a phone call. Chris Cornell and his wife, Susan, had a daughter that day. And also a sound guy left a day early, ’cause he was going to have a child. It brought me to tears, I was so happy. We were walking out onstage that night with two new names in our heads. And in 45 minutes everything changed.”

Lily wrote a congratulatory message to Pearl Jam on their Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction, “Congratulations to Ed and the rest of the @pearljam guys on their HOF induction – so much love to all of you, I could not have five cooler uncles in my life.”