Faith No More bassist Bill Gould discussed recording the band’s last album Sol Invictus in a new Paltrocast With Darren Paltrowitz interview.
“We were very ambitious on this one. We recorded the album in our rehearsal room without telling anybody. So there were some limitations with that, obviously; it wasn’t a real studio.
So to make it sound good took a lot of effort. And I was pretty exhausted by the end of it; I don’t know if I’d do it that way again. But I’m very happy with what we did and how we did it. It was a really ambitious goal, and I think we made it work. I think if we do something in the future, it’ll be different, like they all are; all the albums are different. But I’m cool with this one. If we put it out, I’m cool with it.”
Gould also discussed playing stadiums soon with System of a Down and Korn: “It’s great. It’s really great. And it’s also great that we still are who we are; we didn’t really change our own way of doing things. We’ve always been kind of the black sheep in the music world, and I’ve always been a little frustrated that we never seemed to get it over the net — this thing that we thought was so great. And now we’re being accepted for who we are, and I think that is absolutely amazing. That’s a great feeling.”