Guns N’ Roses legend Slash became a movie producer a decade ago when his Slasher Films released its first title, “Nothing Left To Fear”, the guitarist says that he has no interest in producing a movie about the exploits of his band, Guns N’ Roses.
“I just don’t see it happening anytime in the foreseeable future,” he told Yahoo! Entertainment’s Lyndsey Parker in a new interview:
“It doesn’t mean that it won’t happen ever, ’cause who knows; I can only think down the line so far. But I’ve never been able to envision how you’re gonna get… I mean, it’s one thing to try and find actors to represent the people in the band, but the other thing is all sort of theatrical depictions of life and the music scene and everyday life of musicians and all that kind of stuff. It’s always some fabricated, overexaggerated bullshit. And it’s very rare that you see a movie that actually feels genuine. And so I don’t even wanna be a part of all that. I just don’t think that it would be done a real justice. I’ve seen a lot of bad ones and they freaked me out.”
Slash continued: “I actually am working on a movie that is based around a rock band; it’s a horror movie. And it’s actually… ‘Cause that’s something I avoid, ’cause that’s the first scripts I always get, are rock-related horror scripts. But there’s a really good one that I’m involved with. But that is just around a band, and it has some music throughout it. It should be out next year. It is fictional. But that’s all I can say at this point.”
Notably, Slash had dismissed the idea of a Guns N’ Roses biopic back in 2014 during an interview with the Belfast Telegraph. At the time, he said: “I would not like to see a Guns N’ Roses biopic. It’s really rare where you see actors portraying live musicians [well]. I don’t think rock and roll translates in the movies, I don’t think they really get the gritty vibe of what it’s like.”
Guns N’ Roses’ North American tour will start on Saturday, August 5 in Moncton, NB at Medavie Blue Cross Stadium, and will visit historic venues across the country such as Fenway Park in Boston, Massachusetts on August 21 and Wrigley Field in Chicago, Illinois on August 24. The tour concludes in Vancouver, British Columbia at BC Place on Monday, October 16.