Stone Temple Pilots fans hearts were broken all over again when Howard Stern recently unearthed never before seen video of Scott Weiland and STP playing “Vasoline” on the Stern show in 2000. recapped Howard’s tribute to Weiland after he died in December 2015. Howard said he wants to say a few words about Scott Weiland since he passed away a few days ago. Howard said he was truly one of the greats. Howard said he read an article about Scott’s life and he thinks that Scott wasn’t given his due in the article. Howard said he remembers when Stone Temple Pilots came on the scene. He said they were around in the 90s and it was after Nirvana and Pearl Jam. Howard said they were around at the same time. Howard said they were a reaction to Glam Rock. He said they had some of that but had some grunge too.
Howard said he went to an Stone Temple Pilots show and he was blown away by their stage presentation. Howard said they had a set that was like the set of a living room. He said the guys sat around like you were in their living room and it was really cool. Howard said Scott had one of the strangest voices in rock too. He said he had a growl. He said that there was a growl to his voice and a sweetness too. Howard said he was a great front man.
Fred played some of one of their appearances on his show. That was their performance of ”Vasoline.” Howard asked Fred to play ”Plush” next. Howard said just listen to his voice. He said Scott wrote those lyrics. He said just listen to that. He let the song play a little bit.
Howard said Scott was a sweet guy and he won everyone over when they were on the show. Howard said he’s sad for him and that he’s gone. Howard said he’s sad that he had such a troubled life. Howard said he left behind a great body of work that will live on. Howard said Scott learned how to turn on audiences and all of that experience is gone. Howard said he gets sad thinking about that. Howard said every time he came in there he acted like everything was fine.
Howard said they once asked Scott how he got started with heroin and he thinks he enjoyed talking to them when he was in there. Howard said Scott mentioned a guy who turned him on to heroin but didn’t blame the guy for it. Howard said they had a story a few years ago about Scott turning himself in to the cops when he thought they were looking at him on the street.