KISS Member Called Jimmy Page ‘Sloppy’


Joe Bonamassa recently talked about Jimmy Page and the idea that he is a “sloppy guitarist.” In an interview with Guitar Player, Bonamassa defended Page and explained why he thinks that criticism is wrong.

Bonamassa remembered the first time he heard Led Zeppelin’s debut album and said it changed the way he thought about rock and guitar music. He also talked about Page’s guitar skills, saying, “Are you kidding me? Trying to copy those parts is impossible.” He pointed out that before Led Zeppelin, Page was a well-respected session guitarist, meaning he was hired to play on recordings because of his skill. Bonamassa said that if Page was really sloppy, people wouldn’t have hired him.

Since session musicians need to be very precise, Bonamassa believes this proves that Page was not sloppy. Instead, he thinks Page had complete control over how he played and could sound loose or tight depending on what the song needed.

Other musicians have also talked about Page’s playing. KISS’ Ace Frehley once said that both he and Page were “sloppy” players, but in a good way because it made their music unique. He explained that playing perfectly clean doesn’t always make a guitarist special.

Jay Jay French from Twisted Sister also defended Page. He said Page’s solos were memorable and connected with people. He compared Page’s playing to modern guitarists who play very fast but don’t always make music that sticks with listeners. French believes that Page’s style had more feeling and fit the songs better.