Marilyn Manson Describes Watching Father Die ‘Holding His Dick’


Marilyn Manson described watching his father die in a new interview with Howard Stern. The recap below is via

Marilyn said his father walked in and the movie Apocalypse Now was paused on the scene where they pull up to the shrine with the bodies hanging. He said he didn’t know his dad was coming, and he told his dad to stop flaunting his wealth. He said that his dad saw the movie on, and this brought up things that he remembered from Vietnam. Marilyn said his father told him that his job was to spray agent orange and cover it up with Napalm. He said that it was difficult for his dad to talk about. He said his dad told him his job was being really great at killing people. Marilyn said maybe his father killed a lot of people, but hopefully not.

Howard said the movie is something that triggered his dad, and he opened up about this stuff as well. Marilyn said he misses his dad. He said he cried when his father died.

Marilyn said that he went to Ohio and he had just finished his record 3 days before. He said he didn’t know how ill his dad was. He said he weighed about 90 pounds and he had cancer that he didn’t tell him about. He said he didn’t want him to get upset about it. Marilyn said he went to find some vodka and his cousin had to go out shopping for him. He said his dad went to get some MRI at the hospital and he died in minutes. He said he saw him die, and then they brought him back to life. He said that was even more heartbreaking because of that. He said he had the vodka in his bottle an he went to talk to his dad. He said he told his dad his dick looks great. He said he loved that.

Marilyn said that his dad would want him to tell this story. He said his cousin is a male nurse and they had to pull the plug. He said his dad was holding his dick when they pulled the plug. He said he wasn’t able to hold his dad’s hand because of that. Marilyn said that he went out with his dick in his hand.