Pearl Jam Legend Harassed By ‘Nut Bag’ Right Wingers


Former Pearl Jam drummer Dave Abbruzzese wrote on Facebook about supporters of the President, “I don’t have to address this, but I am going to anyhow. More often than imaginable, nut-bags message me and say that due to my anti-fascist resistance and unwavering distrust and dislike of the 🍊💩🤡, I am a laughing stock on some Pearl Jam message boards. Like I give a f*ck.

I have a head and heart full of exceptional, accessible memories from my time in the band over 30 years ago. I had a life before Pearl Jam that I am quite fond of remembering and a life after Pearl Jam that is easily musically & personally more remarkable than I could’ve ever dreamed. The Pearl Jam that I knew and celebrated has long since been dead to me. The fans and friends that I made are woven into the fabric of my life and I appreciate them very much.

I appreciate. I remember. I live. I learn. I care. I grow.

When I post old Pearl Jam related content, it’s because I am proud of it and because I know that many of you will enjoy it.

Hell, I very much enjoy it! It’s f’ing badass!

I know what it was like to experience that band back in ’91-’94. I did my best and gave it my all to make sure you’d never forget it and I paid attention so that I wouldn’t forget it.

Such is life and I am grateful.

I will always wish the best for my former bandmates. There’s a lot of water that has flowed under that bridge. Life goes on.”