Tommy Black Responds To Fans Blaming Him For Scott Weiland’s Death


Former Wildabouts bassist Tommy Black responded to criticism from fans regarding Scott Weiland’s death from an accidental drug overdose in a new Yahoo article. Black was briefly held by authorities for questioning following Weiland’s death in December 2015, but Bloomington Deputy Police Chief Mike Hartley later announced that authorities wouldn’t pursue a drug charge against him because it would be too difficult to prove the drugs belonged to him.

“We were at the Mall of America in Minnesota; we had a day off,” he begins. “I had knocked on Scott’s door to see if he wanted to go eat, but he didn’t answer, so I figured, let him sleep. So I was at the Mall of America, and Jamie, Scott’s wife, called me and said Scott hadn’t called her all day. I told her to call the tour manager, Aaron [Mohler], and find out what’s up. A bit later, one of the tour guys called me and said, ‘Come to the bus right now. Scott’s dead.’ Aaron and [drummer] Joey [Castillo] had found him and called 911. I went straight to the bus… The police were there, and they wouldn’t let anyone on the bus at that point. We went to hang out in the [hotel] lobby — and then I went to the bar next door by myself.”

“And you know, I just got drunk when I heard the news. I went next door and had a few shots, unfortunately. And the detectives came to question us — they question everybody when somebody dies on a tour bus. They’re questioning me and they told me the next day, ‘We had to detain you, because you [were too inebriated] to really be able to answer questions, and we didn’t want you to leave the next morning.’ And then, you know, the media runs with that, so it had a bad spin on it. And that sucked, because that’s not the way it was. It hurt me at the time, but I understand. Everybody wants an answer. Everybody wants to blame somebody.”

He also said regarding the media coverage of him being detained, “It kind of sucks that that’s the first thing that going to come up on a Google search for my name for the rest of my life.”

He also discussed why he thinks Weiland died, and said he was in the ‘best place’ he had ever seen him when he died, and was ‘burning brightly.’ Weiland died due to an accidental overdose of multiple drugs, including cocaine and MDMA.

“I think his body probably just gave out. He worked hard and he played hard. He sang hard… I mean, he had lived a long, hard life, and that was his reality. He didn’t have the normal life any of us had. Luckily, I got to share some of that with him. He was a very special person and it was such a tragic thing. But I don’t think he was upset at all.”

Black sent the following tribute exclusively to Alternative Nation to mark the one year anniversary of his bandmate Scott Weiland’s death.

December 3, 2016

I lost my best friend last year on this day. I remember standing side by side speaking at Jeremy’s funeral… two friends died in the Wildabouts in only one year in an 8 month period. A horrible nightmare of a year.

But we also had some of the most amazing positive experiences in the last 10 years we played/spent time together.

I got to create so much beautiful music with him and was blown away even that he wanted to write. It was a blessing to create music with him. I have so many good stories I can’t even begin…

Not a day has gone by that I have not thought about Scott.

Today Scott would be want everyone to be happy and listen to music.

I miss you my friend…