After 43 years on the road together, Kevin Dugan—Michael Anthony’s longtime roadie and trusted friend—is considering retirement. But according to Dugan, the former Van Halen bassist had a strong reaction to the idea of retirement.
Kevin Dugan has worked with Anthony for 43 years and their partnership has seen countless tours, iconic performances, and legendary moments. But now, at 70, Dugan is contemplating retirement, and Michael Anthony is not ready to let him go. In an interview with The New York Times, Dugan said: “When I first told Michael that I wanted to get off the road, he said, ‘I’m not going to do that, why should you? I’m still going to be out there.’”
He continued, “And I said, ‘Michael, are you trying to compare your day to my day? You come out and do the show. You leave in a limo, go back to the five-star hotel, or go back to a private jet … and fly home. Your day and my day are worlds apart.’”
Life on the road is no easy gig, especially for someone like Kevin Dugan. Long hours, high-pressure situations, and the physical demands of touring can wear down even the most dedicated crew members. Dugan admits that as he’s aged, he’s had to make lifestyle changes just to keep up.
Dugan said the long hours forced him to change his lifestyle, explaining, “I’ve pulled way back on drinking on the road. I cannot fathom working with a hangover. I did that for a lot of years. And when you’re middle-aged, you can bounce back from a hangover. But now it takes too long.”