Chris Cornell Told Wife What He ‘Couldn’t Stop’ Moments Before Death


Last year Chris Cornell’s widow Vicky shared some details from her final phone call with her late husband moments before he took his life, but in a new interview on ABC’s Nightline she described a quote that Chris said that has never before been revealed to fans since his May 2017 death.

Vicky said regarding the final Soundgarden show in Detroit at the Fox Theater, “He was off pitch, he forgot words. The first thing he said to me when he called me that night was, ‘The ringing, the ringing in my ears, I couldn’t stop the ringing.’ He was slurring his speech a lot. I’m like, ‘Chris, please tell me what you took, if you tell me, I forgive you. I’m going to come be with you tomorrow.’

She then revealed what she told Martin Kirsten, who had become Chris Cornell’s bodyguard a year prior, to do.

“I called the security guard and said to him, ‘You need to go to his room. The door will be bolted, don’t wait, just break it.’ In the mean time I was calling for help from the hotel as well, and I said, ‘Please call an ambulance, please send help.’ That was it.”

Watch the full Nightline interview with Vicky Cornell below.