Chris Cornell’s Brother Announces Plan To Raise Suicide Prevention Awareness


Chris Cornell’s brother Peter has uploaded a new video where he discusses his plan to help raise suicide prevention awareness.

“The W.H.O. reports that there are nearly 800,000 suicides per year worldwide. Recently suicide touched my life and I need to do something. I want to help raise awareness, I want to have you help me raise awareness. I will post the number and website for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, and then I’m going to do 23 pushups in 23 days, and I’m going to ask you to do them with me and tag 23 of your friends and video them, and spread the word. Maybe we can help spare some other family the devastation. I’m going to do this in memory of, and in honor of, my brother.”

He also wrote, “Tomorrow I will ask you to join me to raise awareness about suicide prevention. Come back every day to see the videos. 23 days. Spread the word. Maybe we can spare another family the devastation. #suicideprevention.”

Check out Peter Cornell’s Facebook page for more. / 800-273-8255