Dave Grohl Reveals Bombshell From Doctor After Emergency


Foo Fighters frontman and iconic drummer of Nirvana Dave Grohl was on the Bon Appétit Foodcast recently to promote his new Backbeat BBQ company. During the show, Grohl shared a concerning story about chest pains that led him to go to the doctor’s office years back.  Alternative Nation transcribed Grohl’s comments. 

Grohl: I come home and I call my doctor and I’m like: “Mel, I’m having chest pains” and he’s like: “are you having them right now?” I said: “kinda” and he told me to come in here [his office]. I go in there and I’m full six million dollar man, all the things on me, an EKG.

Host: Do you have a hairy chest?

Grohl: I don’t have any hair on my chest at all.

Host: Oh, okay.

Grohl: Anyways, so, he’s like: “you look fine but I think you should get a CAT scan”. So, I’m going to get a CAT scan and the doctor takes one look at the CAT scan and goes: “how old are you?” and I said: “I’m forty” because I had just turned forty so I assumed I was going to die soon, He was like: “Your heart is fine but are you under any stress?” I’m like, yeah a little bit.” The doctor asked if I got enough sleep and I was like, “Nah”, asked if I drank a lot of coffee and I said: “yeah…”

Host: Depends on what you mean by a lot!

Grohl: The doctor basically said to play drums three days a week and have a glass of red wine and you’ll be fine.

Host: Did he tell you to cut down on your coffee consumption?

Grohl: Yeah and, I tried to decaffeinate.