Eddie Vedder Follows Up “Alive” On New Song


Eddie Vedder has recently revealed that this forthcoming solo album, Earthling, will feature guest cameos from Stevie Wonder, Elton John, Ringo Starr, and his late father. Due for release on February 11, Earthling was recorded with producer Andrew Watt in summer 2021. Eddie Vedder & The Beatles Icon recording was also revealed.

Eddie Vedder opens up on his father’s involvement

Pearl Jam’s vocalist explains how his father came to be on the record in a new interview with MOJO magazine.

“I didn’t really get to know my real father,” says Vedder, expanding upon a subject which inspired the early Pearl Jam single Alive. “I met him maybe three or four times as a kid, but he was, you know, a friend of the family. It would have been nice to have been in a room with him at some point before he died when I was 13. It would have been nice to share that I knew that he was my pop, but it didn’t happen.”

Vedder revealed that he got five songs of his father singing on a disc. “I carried that disc around for two, three months in my suitcase, not ready to hear it. Finally, I got the guts, and after a couple bottles of wine played it one night in Argentina. And he was good. It was incredible – like he left a message for me.”

Together with producer Andrew Watt (Ozzy Osbourne/Miley Cyrus), Vedder assembled “a little collage” around his father’s voice, and included it towards the end of the 13-track album. Vedder has already released two songs from the album, Long Way and The Haves, and a third single, Brother The Cloud,was also released on January 14.

“Alive” was the story of Vedder finally discovering the identity of his real father, but only after he died, so this song on the new album is a fitting followup 30 years later. Vedder also released “Brother The Cloud” as a single today.