Fake Blond’s “Sweet Adolescence” Hits All The Right Marks For Kings of Leon & Strokes Fans


You gotta love a band that can not only well represent their influences but add a fresh, rich take on a genre of music. In a world of musical clones and copycats, operating with a high level of innovation and originality sits high on the list of must-have characteristics for any band looking to make an impact. Indie rock, power trio Fake Blond fit this bill- and do they ever make an impact.

Fake Blond hit all the right marks on “Sweet Adolescence”. Lead singer and guitarist Brandon Henry keeps the guitars shimmering; relying less on overdriven madness and more on feel and mood while carrying the vocals with an inconspicuous prowess. His vocal delivery plays off the manic rhythm section perfectly in a way that allows each individual instrument to build upon one another and in unison, keep the momentum upward throughout the track.

The busy bass work of bassist Jake Richards blends into the killer groove laid down by drummer Nate Ferguson to create an undeniably strong foundation while still being able to shine on each of their respective instruments. Lyrically, Henry’s introspective lyrics serve to elevate the listener into the perspective of the narrator, adding an emotional draw- and depth to the track.

“Sweet Adolescence” is a great sample size of the wide open potential of Fake Blond possesses. Their succeed as being able to master the art of indie rock sensibilities  while firmly establishing themselves a prominent force to be reckoned with. For fans of the Artic Monkeys, The Strokes, Kings of Leon and classics like Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers, Fake Blond will no doubt provide you with a shot of musical adrenaline to get excited for!

Make sure to check out Fake Blond across thir social media sites and check out “Sweet Adolescence”! Look out for their new EP in August!

@therealfakeblond (instagram)

@realfakeblond (twitter)