Foo Fighters Reveal Surprising Aerosmith Disagreements


Foo Fighters members Dave Grohl, Taylor Hawkins, and Pat Smear were recently interviewed by former Sex Pistols guitarist Steve Jones on Jonesy’s Jukebox on KLOS. The four musicians discussed Aerosmith, which Alternative Nation transcribed.

Taylor: Did you like Aerosmith in the 70’s Steve?

Steve: So so, there was a couple good ones I liked.

Taylor: I love 70’s Aerosmith, I love it.

Taylor: I like all that stuff, I like Draw The Line, all of Rocks.

Dave: I like the Done With Mirrors record.

Dave: [Joe Perry’s] riffs are so cool. He’s a really percussive rhythm guitar player.

Taylor: Two guitar bands, I don’t know who is doing what sometimes.

Taylor: I think they’re a cool band. Cool drummer, cool bass player, cool guitar player, awesome lead singer obviously. They were like a proper band.

Steve: What did you think of the second phase, when they brought the songwriters in?

Taylor: That’s Pat Smear’s favorite.

Pat: That’s the era that I like best. We always argue about that, 70’s vs. 80’s.

Dave: We’ve talked about this before, there was like a recipe for their songs, where every one of those songs begins with the chorus. “Janie’s Got A Gun,” “Love in an Elevator,” they all begin with the chorus. The whole song is a chorus, it’s like the chorus, then pre-chorus, then another chorus, almost like a Bee Gees song.”