Iconic Grunge Singer Reaches Out To Chris Cornell’s Son


Chris Cornell Jr. turned 12 years, and Vicky Cornell tweeted out a birthday message. She wrote: “Where there is love there are miracles. Our baby boy turned 12 today……”

Bush frontman Gavin Rossdale responded, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY XXXX.”

Pink also recently tweeted, “Chris Cornell dedicated all of the proceeds from his song The Promise to support refugees and children. Help us #KeepThePromise.”

A fan responded asking about protecting American children, and Vicky Cornell sent two responses.

“Yes and we should help as many as we can. Our foundation works to protect ‘the most vulnerable children’ and protecting our own is vital.”

“@chriscornell felt if we each kept one promise we could make the world a better place this is not only about refugee crisis #keepthepromise.”

The Chris & Vicky Cornell Foundation was formed in late 2012 with the mission to protect the most vulnerable children. While most of their philanthropic work to date has been private and anonymous, Chris and Vicky formed the Foundation based on their personal experience working in the child protection space.

Learn more at http://chrisandvickycornellfoundation.org