Nikki Sixx ‘Messing Up’ Motley Crue Reunion Leaks


Nikki Sixx hilariously ‘messing up’ a major Motley Crue reunion tour question on Twitter was called out by fans a few days ago.

Sixx first tweeted, “We [hear] yoü…..22 stadiums are all that’s planned for now but we really do [hear] yöu!!!!!” A fan named F11TZ asked, “Any chance Red Hot is on the set list?” Sixx responded with an embarrassing typo and word mistake, “Never know. We haven’t talk sexist yet.” Lisa Harris Photography shot back, “LOL I hate auto correct but I like that better than setlist.”

Riley Domino commented, “Sexist u say my dear? Well we can talk about that all day. Wink Wink. Man I love auto correct! Lol.” Mystery Luminous said, “Freudian lol, it’s an admission.” Rob Doney wrote, “Please change it up a lot from show to show! Keep us guessing! Every show should be different.”

Nikki Sixx called out a ‘punk’ on the Motley Crue tour last week. Mofran posted on Reddit about trying to buy ‘Kickstart’ package Motley Crue tour tickets.

“Been waiting all day to purchase and it comes to this…Every time I go to purchase the pack, no matter what browser, account, location (this matters according to Ticketmaster reps apparently – if at work and other colleagues purchase, it may think you already purchased) I always get ‘The number of tickets selected exceeds the limit for this event.’ When trying to purchase even a single ticket (I need 2). Anyone else running into this issue?”

They later added, “Yup, turns out it was because someone in my household also purchased tickets so even though it was thru a different CC, purchaser etc. didn’t matter since address was the same.” Motley Crue were accused of a ‘cash grab’ with their stunning VIP ticket prices.