Red Hot Chili Peppers Had Problem With Van Halen Tribute


Problems are problem, but when they interfere with recording a perhaps multi-million dollar album that is bought and sold worldwide – pardon me, downloaded, you can imagine… People get punched, kicked, slapped, chastised, and not only because they arrived late for the recording. Recently, John Frusciante discussed problems he had recording Eddie from Red Hot Chili Peppers

As per Ultimate Guitar, John Frusciante explains his preferences when it comes to tapping. He spoke of a problem he faced while recording the song “Eddie” from the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ latest album “Return of the Dream Canteen”.

He said:
“I felt like it might be kind of a crowd pleaser,” Frusciante muses on the song during a recent interview with Guitar Player – and he was right. Featuring a contemporary guitar hero paying homage to his idol and predecessor did attract fans’ attention, and “Eddie” even was voted the sixth-best song of the year of our Lord, 2022. This is according to the UG Community’s annual vote.

Fans are also delighted to hear the RHCP guitarist put his tapping skills on display, which you don’t hear often on Frusciante’s recordings. According to the man himself, however, the technique isn’t at all alien to him – it’s just that he prefers to leave the extra-flashy stuff for his free time:

Johnny said:

“When we’re in the studio and between takes, I’m always doing things, like two-handed tapping. The engineers hear it all the time; I’ll play really flashy stuff during breaks. But when it comes to recording, I’m doing what I think is right for the song, and in most cases that doesn’t involve playing really flashy. But it is something I enjoy”.

It’s nice to hear some good old honest opinions. I’m sure we’ll hear more in the future.