Slash Reveals How Aerosmith Helped Him Meet Guns N’ Roses’ Izzy Stradlin


Author and media producer Marcelle Sirkus was recently interviewed on the Appetite for Distortion podcast. Marcelle went to school with Slash and knew Izzy Stradlin before Guns N’ Roses formed. She revealed how Slash and Izzy met during the interview, Alternative Nation transcribed her comments. She also revealed what Slash recently told her about meeting Izzy.

“Here’s the Izzy thing, so going back when Slash and I worked together, we had an after school job together at this place called Business Card Clock. It was kind of a mail order business, they’d send in their business card, and then Slash would photograph it, 24 b 36, mount it onto foam core, I would install a little clock movement, and then we would ship them, and this was our after school job. It was right around then that he was drawing a picture of Aerosmith. In the middle of drawing it, so first he drew Steven Tyler and Joe Perry, and he took a photograph of it, and he mounted it and he framed it for me, so I had it hanging up on my wall and thought it was really cool. Then he finished the drawing and he gave me another printout, and he mounted it to this thick cardboard, and I hung that up.

Izzy came over one day and said, ‘Wow, who drew that?’ I was like, ‘My friend Saul, he works over at Hollywood Music.’ He said, ‘I’ve got to meet him!’ I was like, ‘Okay go to Hollywood Music on Fairfax, he works there.’ That’s what pulled Izzy to Slash, was the drawing. I was talking to Slash about it too, not even that long ago, and he was like, ‘Yeah, it was that drawing, because he saw that thing at your house.'”

Listen to “Ep. 77 – Marcelle Sirkus, Author/Media Producer” on Spreaker.