Twin Peaks’ Julee Cruise Calls Finale ‘Slap In The Face’ From ‘Emperor’ David Lynch


Julee Cruise appeared for a brief performance at the end of the first part of Twin Peaks’ two hour finale last night on Showtime. Cruise isn’t happy with the finale or how she was treated on the show, and she made her feelings known with a series of posts on Facebook. Cruise was iconic for her performances on the original series.

She wrote on Facebook, “I’m done. ?and I could care Less about TP. My subconscious never lies……I have my answer now of what I will do with the rest of my life!” Twin Peaks star Harry Goaz liked this post, and commented: “I love you Julee!”

Cruise also wrote of the finale, “I Yelled my Head off in Anger!”

“I’m very angry right now.”

A fan wrote, “I was SO HAPPY to see you and yet heartbroken to get so little. You are as much Twin Peaks as any OG cast member. It was a disappointing experience after a season of long musical acts to only get a few seconds of you. By far the most disappointing part of the entire finale.”

Cruise responded, “He did it to slap me in the face.”

“I So God Damned Sick of …….if you only knew.”

“They Treated Me Like Teash!”

“You weren’t there! I’ve been there with them for Most of my life!”

“I don’t like The David Lynch Sabrina Southerland Attitude toward me, and I Will Never Work for The Emperor Again..thank God!”

“I tried to hide. I changed my numbed! I changed my email address…it was such A BUMMER when I heard it was coming Back.”