Howard Stern Makes Big Name Gavin Rossdale Affair Claim


Howard Stern recently revealed that Bush singer Gavin Rossdale likely had to deal with Moby thinking he could try to sleep with Gwen Stefani when they were recording “South Side” together. Gavin Rossdale recently reacted to a gross Michael Jackson daughter photo. recapped: After the break they played John Lennon’s ”Watching The Wheels” as they were coming back. Howard said they were playing Moby with Gwen Stefani (South Side) on Lithium the other day. He said he really likes that song. He said he was doing biceps with 20 pounds while he was working out to it. He said it was his mass day where he builds mass. He said he kind of likes this song. Robin said she knows this song.

Howard said it must be great to record a song with Gwen Stefani. He said she was at super hot level and she can sing and wear belly shirts. He said poor Moby is there with his shaved head thinking he can’t get into her pants. Howard said he probably just felt bad about himself. He played more of the song and said it must have been torture for him. He said he would love to know more about that recording session.

Howard said this song is from 1999. He said Gwen was with Gavin at the time. He said she really is sexy. Robin said of course she is. Howard said they probably had to work out the lyrics together. He said her belly is out and it’s all working perfectly. He said she had the blond hair and the big red lips. The Black Crowes just ripped Gavin Rossdale.