Stone Temple Pilots Reveal Failed Singer Auditions


Dean DeLeo of Stone Temple Pilots recently joined Anne Erickson of Audio Ink Radio and spoke about the band’s late vocalist, Scott Weiland. He went on to shed some praise on the late bandmate. John Frusciante First 2021 Performance Video Revealed

De:eo is known for founding one of the biggest rock bands out of the 1990s, Stone Temple Pilots, with his brother, bassist Robert, as well as vocalist Scott Weiland and drummer Eric Kretz. Deleo has his hand in a plethora of musical projects, his latest being an uber-cool collaboration with Tom Bukovac called Trip the Witch.

On late Scott Weiland’s remarkable vocal abilities:

“Scott truly was singer. Scott was a crooner, and I’m going to tell you something that a lot of people won’t know, and a lot of people will be like, I’m not hearing that I don’t get that. But, really, go listen. Listen to the way they breathe. Listen to how they enunciate, and not so much the enunciation, but listen to how they breathe though the song and deliver a line and lyric in the melodic sense.

Scott was very influenced by Karen Carpenter. If you go back and really listen to Scott’s delivery and then listen to how Karen delivered a line or a lyric or how she breathed and where she took her breathes, Scott really was very much like her, and Scott- I can’t say enough about his talent. He was extraordinary. He was a true singer with these half-step inflections or step-and-a-half inflections.

A lot of times, when we had these people come in to audition, a lot of people just stepped right over that stuff. “Interstate Love Song” is a perfect example of that. There’s a lot half-step inflections in that, and we had a lot of singers just step right over them. We’re like, you’re missing some notes there, man. When Jeff (Gutt, new STP vocalist) came in, Jeff really, really sang every song we gave him.”

Dean recently released his debut album with Trip the Witch, a self-titled release out last month, and there’s more on the way. He’s also touring heavily with Stone Temple Pilots this fall, performing a string of headlining tour dates and festival appearances.