Alice In Chains singer/guitarist Jerry Cantrell revealed what band started the Grunge movement on an international level in a new interview on Jonesy’s Jukebox.
“The first band that started it all as far as the rest of the world kind of getting opened up to it is Soundgarden, absolutely. Soundgarden got signed to A&M, that was the first major label signing, and they put out a record. Mother Love Bone was second on Polygram I believe, unfortunately Andy [Wood] passed away right as that record came out. We were the third major band signed to Columbia, and our records kind of came out in quick succession. Nirvana and Pearl Jam came after.”
He also discussed enjoying the Seattle Grunge scene before it exploded in popularity worldwide.
“It was all happening, all of these bands were making great music. It was so cool, because it was just our thing, and we weren’t trying to impress anybody other than the people in our town. That was pretty much the scope of our goals, was to be able to sell out the Central Tavern, and to play the local bar that everybody played. Meeting each other, and hanging out each other, and going to each other’s shows, it was a really cool and supportive thing.
Nobody was trying to be like you, they were just trying to be like them. That’s what you respected about them, and made you want to do your own thing as well. I think that’s why all of the bands that came out during that particular time, including Mudhoney and the Screaming Trees, and a few others out of that time, not one band sounds like the other.”