The late Andrew Wood’s girlfriend Xana la Fuente criticized Eddie Vedder in a new Instagram post discussing Dave Grohl cooking for the homeless in Los Angeles. Note that Vedder has done a lot of work with the EB Research Partnership, including meeting directly with children struggling with EB and holding benefit shows.
Xana wrote, “Notice you never hear about Eddie Vedder doing stuff like this?
Writing a check once every few years to ” help the homeless “is NOT the same. Of course that’s just my opinion but ya all can go on thinking that he’s the nicest guy in the world 🤣 #davegrohlisprobablyjesus.”
“And no one expects Wooden Jesus ( Vedder ) to post online , but Mike does stuff in public all the time. And he LOVES to see me, every time I see Mike McCready comes running up to me like a little kid hugging me saying I love you Xana. Whats the REAL reason that Ed doesn’t do stuff IN HIS OWN COMMUNITY. And if you guys think I’m the only one that thinks this way other people just don’t want to come out and say it I’ve talked to the guys at Easy Street I’ve talked to the guys at all of the schools of rock and of course they’re like yeah it would be awesome if he came over and did a little workshop with the students. They all know he lives right down the street. Honestly I think he’s a little paranoid. Like a shut- in. And you couldn’t pay me a billion dollars to have to live like that. Moral of the story- Ed cant or won’t leave his house in Seattle and participate in events.”
“So almost 4 and 1/2 years ago is when Pearl Jam donated that money to the homeless I’m fully aware of the Vitalogy Foundation but acts of kindness like this go a lot further to me and speak volumes of the personality of that person and we all know that Mike is the only one that would ever do anything like this and dare be in the public…just sayin!”
“Im taking about something VERY specific here- going into the public and helping- not just writing a check. Look, we all have a right to our opinions. West Seattle School of Rock is like 5 minutes from Ed’s house. My place is like 5 minutes from Eddie Vedder’s. So why in ELEVEN years has he not done stuff AT the school?”