Awesome Photo Of Eddie Vedder Celebrating 51st Birthday


Pearl Jam frontman Eddie Vedder celebrated his 51st birthday yesterday. Check out this awesome photo of him celebrating his special day below (via @joelmurray9of9 on Instagram)!


Matt Cameron celebrated his 53rd birthday at Pearl Jam’s show in Mexico City last month. According to Sea on’s forums, the band and audience sang “happy birthday” to him. The audience then sang another song that presumably is birthday related. A cake was brought out, but rather than smashing it on the person celebrating their birthday, Eddie Vedder decided to throw the cake in the audience, and you won’t BELIEVE how far he threw it in the video below! Ed then yells “we need some forks!”

A video posted by Luis Espinosa (@bruggmx) on

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A photo posted by PearlJamSpam (@pearljamspam) on