Marilyn Manson’s former keyboardist Madonna Wayne Gacy (aka Pogo) made the following comments on Facebook recently:
Manson and his lawyer initially tried to do some sort of ridiculous settlement that was completely inappropriate.
That would have not happened, because of the way everybody was being ripped off in songwriting.
I still had band ownership, and therefore I thought I was making money even if I wasn’t getting proper writing or publishing.
Tony was actually the most honest person in his deposition, of the whole lot I deposed.
I have to say, he did not lie under oath. Very different than Brian.
Brian was just constantly perjuring himself.
Tony can be a bit of a weasel dick, but under oath, he was truthful.
But then again, every manager, and lawyer, and accountant in the Rock industry is a bit of a weasel dick.
Hey, I’m here to promote Brian’s new record, not mine. He needs all the help he can get.
What happened to this tough guy? Someone’s become sensitive in their old age…Yet strangely insensitive to other people’s feelings?
I know, right? I’m trying to help him during this time of crisis, the album isn’t doing very well, and the poor guy lost his balls.
No he’s very much like Harvey Weinstein, a fat old a****** who abuses people because he has money and power. Or used to.
I don’t mean to be a dick here, but Brad’s removal was a band decision, we were all to blame, as the record company found him unreliable and he kept dying from heroin all the time.
Brad finally got his s*** together and became a great artist, but still the heroine got him, as we all knew it would happen.
And you are most correct my good sister, it is unfortunate that such an a****** took his place.
And what is even more disturbing, it’s how that replacement completely ripped off Brad. I have strangely seen the same thing happen to me.