Actor Billy Porter wore an interesting dress to the Oscars on Sunday, and many Smashing Pumpkins fans pointed out how similar it looked to Billy Corgan’s MACHINA era dress from 2000. Corgan seemed impressed by the dress despite it being an imitation of his (though this obviously could have been unintentional), sharing photos of it on his Instagram story, though he also shared a post where a fan said WPC ‘wore it better.’
Corgan’s girlfriend Chloe Mendel posted a side by side photo, writing, “Who wore it better? Billy or Billy? @williampcorgan @theebillyporter #Oscars #standinsideyourlove #menindresses #whoworeitbetter.” Who do you think wore it better, the OG Billy or his copycat Billy? Let us know in the comments.
EW recently reported, “Sometimes life works in mysterious ways. Way back in 1992, a year after the Smashing Pumpkins released their debut record Gish, the band was playing a show in Detroit that ended tragically. Shortly after they finished, some mysterious person walked away with frontman Billy Corgan’s guitar. But 27 years later, Corgan was finally reunited with the guitar this week.
He found it in the possession of one Beth James, who lives in Flushing, Mich. She had bought the guitar at a Detroit yard sale because it looked cool, even though neither she nor her daughters actually play guitar. Recently, she thought about selling it, and a friend helped alert her to its history.”
“I really wanted a hot tub, frankly, and my husband wouldn’t buy me one, so I said, ‘Well I’m gonna sell some of this stuff,’” James told Rolling Stone. “People always said it was probably worth some money. I didn’t know if it is or not and then I got the article about it.”