Interview: Blood Red Throne Guitarist Talks Contribution To Controversial Video Game


Beginning with Norway’s black metal scene in the 90s, Daniel Olaisen, better known as Død, went on to form Blood Red Throne. Since the band’s inception Død has provided riffs filled with brutality, groove, and speed. I recently had the opportunity to have an exchange with Død and discuss the current state of BRT, their new album on Candlelight Records, and the band’s connection to a certain controversial PC game.


How has Freddy Bolsø’s return been? Easy? Time-consuming?

Not at all. Freddy got back in 2013, when our drummer at the time couldn’t do some UK shows. I asked Freddy if he wanted to help out and he did. It was fuckin’ magical from the first gig and it felt like he’d been in the band all the time. Nevertheless, it was not until 2014, when Emil decided to leave, that we could bring Freddy back as a permanent member.

Is Union of Flesh and Machine a concept album? About the ever-growing laziness and apathy of mankind?

It’s more about mankind vs. technology and if it will get out of control one day. There’s a good doze of anti-religion stuff and the stupidity of mankind.

I noticed on “Patriotic Hatred” a sample from the game Hatred. Are you a gamer yourself, or did someone else from the band introduce the sample?

I don’t have time or interest in that. But our bass-player is a gamer. Martin, who produced the album, is also a gamer, and he simply asked Destructive Creations if they were interested in working with Blood Red Throne. This led to 5 instrumental songs from the new album being used as soundtrack to the game Hatred.

Ultimately, what made you decide it was best to bring back Bolt to sing Martin’s vocal tracks?

Bolt has always been the best frontman in BRT and when Martin wanted to step out and Bolt had fixed his problems, it was easy to bring him back again!

What’s your favorite song off of Union of Flesh and Machine, and what track would you like to shoot a video for?

The opening track (Revocation Of Humankind). It has it all. Groove, speed, brutality, nice solos and a great flow from the start to finish. Nevertheless, we will do a video for “Homicidal Ecstasy” which is my 2nd fave song of the album, hehe.

Any extensive tours planned to promote the new album or are you just sticking to festivals for now?

It’s pretty slow this summer, but from October on we will play a lot and keep booking shows. There will be tours, but not until 2017.

What was your wildest memory from your tour with Dimmu Borgir and Enslaved?

One helluva great tour indeed! We were on the road for 47 days, so a lot happened. Our car had summer tires and we were on our way to Canada and snow. A lot of it. The car slid, almost hit the vehicle in the opposite line, the trailer flipped and all our equipment was tossed around. Scary!

Would Blood Red Throne ever consider touring the US with Jungle Rot? I hear a lot of similarities between these two bands.

Sure. I like this band. Invite us and we’ll come!

Do you have any desire to become involved again with Norway’s black metal scene?

I’m sort of in the scene still. My other band, Cobolt 60, is black metal and we’ve been around almost as long as BRT. We stay extremely underground though. The original singer of BRT is in this two-piece band.

What inspired the Judas Priest cover “Leather Rebel”?

Well, we didn’t have any idea for an cover and there was a deadline. So I just recorded this tune that I already knew and it turned out great. Cool to do some classic heavy metal for once.

How does it feel knowing you’re the only one who’s remained throughout the entire existence of the band?

I guess it proves my passion for death metal and that I’m not a quitter. It’s good to have Freddy back from the original line-up though.

Finally, what is your desert island album?

Human by Death. My absolute fave band and album through all times. Chuck was way ahead of his time and it’s simply the best death metal ever written!